Async to Sync

Async to Sync



This artwork has been particularly inspired by the relationship between generative art and music which is a growing topic in the NFTArt scene, or "Generative" was the keyword in the creation process. Smart contracts trigger the music and visuals, sometimes asynchronously sometimes synchronously in a "generative" way. Generative music has a long history in the history of music, even before Brian Eno's ambient art, from John Cage's "Chance Operations," which played actively with randomness, to Mozart's "Musical Dice Games" further back in time.

"Async to Sync" is composed of four layers, each of which has four sound elements, each lasting 3 minutes 20 seconds.


  • Rhythm
  • Lyric
  • Oscillator
  • ADSR (rise, decay, retention after decay, and reverberation)

They all overlap to form a single piece of art, but when they are shuffled, up to 256 different patterns are generated. (128 of them are minted.)

One of the major features of "Async to Sync" is that, depending on the rarity level set at the time of minting, the sound elements in a layer are shuffled during playback, and different music plays on each playback, as shown below.

  • Common: "Lyric" is shuffled.
  • Rare: "Lyric" and "Oscillator" shuffled
  • Super Rare: "Lyric," "Oscillator," and "ADSR" are shuffled.
  • Ultra Rare: "Rhythm," "Lyric," "Oscillator," and "ADSR" are shuffled.

In other words, the higher the Rarity, the more variations of the music you hear.

ryota also sees the "generative" element of coincidence in the way that Williams uses cut-ups in his novels, and he designed the piece as a shuffling of musical lyrics within the sound source. And he implements it as the "lyric" part where he chops up the Bitcoin White paper by Satoshi Nakamoto including sound sources read out loud by a voice system.

Generative art is composed of multiple objects, which change synchronously with the music waves. On the other hand, the effects and colors change based on the rarity defined by the smart contract, and the visuals of the main objects are shuffled asynchronously with the musical changes.

Thus, "Async to Sync" presents new possibilities for the relationship between NFT and music, experimenting as a new NFT artwork by asynchronizing/synchronizing music, smart contracts, and generative art together while taking advantage of their different unique characteristics.


  • hasaqui - Generative Artist
  • ryota - Electronic Musician / Track Maker
  • Ara - Smart Contract Engineer / Artist


Catalog /

Audius /

NFT Detail

0.1 ETH
Total Supply
Ethereum Mainnet


